call for speakers

The AC3 Call for Speakers is OPEN!

We are currently seeking submissions for potential AutoCon 3 speakers.

If you are interested in sharing your direct personal experience designing, building, or operating network automation, orchestration, observability or related projects - including both business and technical content - please read everything on this page thoroughly and then complete the form below (failure to follow instructions will result in your submission being discarded).

The call for Speakers will close at the end of February.

Note Well: NAF events are for the doers, the makers, the folks who have, are, or will be deploying automation/orchestration/observability/AI/ML solutions in their networks (across Enterprises, Service Providers, and the Public Sector).

All of our presentations reflect this. That means no “marketechture,” no product pitches, very little theory, and lots of hands-on practical know-how
based on
real-world experience.

Bring your story to our stage!

FYI: We will select all conference keynotes (45-60min), presentations (30-40min), lightning talks (10min), and panelists from these submissions.

Want to go even deeper? Consider submitting a half-day, hands-on Workshop proposal.