call for workshops

The AC3 Call for workshops is OPEN!

We are currently seeking submissions for potential AutoCon 3 workshops.

If you and your team are interested in creating, sharing, and delivering in-person, hands-on practical network automation, orchestration, and/or observability training to help kick-start AC3 attendees’ network automation journeys - please read everything on this page thoroughly and then complete the form below (failure to follow instructions will result in your submission being discarded).

Workshops are offered alongside the AutoCon conference, to provide additional and more direct learning opportunities. All workshops are a half-day (4 hours) in length and use most of that time to provide attendees with hands-on experience. This means that to put on a workshop, you will need to provide an adequate lab for 60 simultaneous users to explore and understand the tools and concepts you are covering.

Feel free to look over our AC1 and AC2 workshops to get a better feel for the topics that have been covered so far.

The call for Workshops will close at the end of February.

Note Well: NAF events are for the doers, the makers, the folks who have, are, or will be deploying automation/orchestration/observability/AI/ML solutions in their networks (across Enterprises, Service Providers, and the Public Sector).

All of our workshops reflect this. That means no “marketechture,” no product pitches, very little theory, and lots of practical hands-on lab work.

FYI: We will select all pre-conference, hands-on Workshops from these submissions.

Want to provide a conference talk? Consider submitting a Speaker submission.